Upper body · Lower body program
"My lower body is fat by nature."
"why am I only get belly fat when I eat." -
By nature? To belly? Of course you can.
In the "upper·Lower body program" to correct this
But there's nothing that can't be solved.
The lower body has often muscle and fat naturally
and can also be altered, depending on acquired factors.
Sometimes, you get fat on your belly as you eat.
It basically comes from bad eating habits.
The reason you need Upper body program!
The reason you need Lower body program!
Upper body program TIP
4 times *
L-Arginine(IV)Usually, the beginning stage of diet.
The beginning is half-way of diet. but if you think you've got it in half, you're mistaken.
L-Arginin can make body fat deduction and basal metabolic rate improvement easier. -
6 times *
3-inch shotsIf L-Arginine and diet meal plan were combined, you definitely have achieved some results.
It is effective for you to undergo procedures in areas where you usually are easily fatten and did not lose much because this is the stage where lymph fluid is circulated and fat waste is released out through lipolysis injections. (It is also effective to abstain from drinking alcohol.) -
Diet pills &
Diet educationThe reason for being overweight or obese is surprisingly simple.
Because you didn't consume as much as you ate.
Diet pills are prescribed and taken for proper appetite control and energy generation.
Of course, you are only helped until you can control yourself.
L-Arginine – One of the key programs. basal matabolic rate up. fat mass down.
3-inch shot – Woori Medi clinic's the last stage of lipolysis shots. Treatment is usually recommended for the abdomen, thighs and forearms.
Lower body program TIP
Our calves are often called as ‘al’.
It reduces calf muscle through Botox not lipolysis injections because it is muscle not fat. -
7 times *
3-inch shotsOur lower body has not only calves but also thighs.
As most of the thighs are covered in fat, 3-inch lipolysis shots is paralleled to help this area. -
2 times *
L-Arginine(IV)The overall weight loss raises the fallen basal metabolic rate and also helps the overall fat burn.
Diet pills &
Diet educationA diet cannot last long without a healthy meal plan! To control appetite and correct eating habits,
we help patients' healthy and honest diets through diet pills and regular diet education!
Altox – The encounter of calf "al" and bo"tox", It helps to contract the calf muscle.
L-Arginine – One of the key programs. Basal matabolic rate up. Fat mass down.
3-inch shot – Woori Medi clinic's the last stage of lipolysis shots. Treatment is usually recommended for the abdomen, thighs and forearms.
Upper·Lower body programBefore & After
Upper·Lower body program Pricing Guide
Normal Price | Online Booking Discount | |
Upper body program | 670,000 won | 450,000 won |
Lower body program | 810,000 won | 490,000 won |